6 weird Easter traditions around the world

For many Americans, Easter is all about painting eggs and helping kids find baskets full of chocolate that cute little bunnies left for them. Other parts of the world, however, celebrate Christ’s resurrection in a much interesting fashion.

Sprinkling time

1. Cracking the whip – Czech Republic & Slovakia

Cracking the whip

No, these fine European nations aren’t that big into Devo. Both Slovakia and Czech Republic see men whip girls and women with decorated sticks that have ribbons tied to their ends every spring. But don’t think for a moment this is meant to be painful – it’s believed to help ensure a woman’s fertility and beauty.

2. Red egging – Greece

Red egging

The good people of Greece don’t need your multicolored eggs to have a good time. Greeks paint all of their eggs only red (symbolic of Jesus’ blood) for the holiday and use these to make their Easter bread.

3. Sprinkling time – Hungary

Sprinkling time

This popular Hungarian tradition that’s done on Easter Monday, called “sprinkling,” once saw young men toss buckets of water over young women’s heads. The water toss endures to this day, but you’ll also see boys sprinkle perfume on the ladies, asking for a kiss afterward. We’re of the belief you’ll get a kiss with perfume over a good dousing.

4. Butter lambs over Easter eggs – Russia

Butter lambs over Easter eggs

This might be the cutest of any Easter meal traditions. The centerpiece of many tables in Russia (along with Slovenia and Poland) is this adorable tiny lamb sculpted out of butter. Why a lamb? It’s the only animal Satan can’t take the form of, because Jesus is the Lamb of God. 

5. Feeling the pain – Philippines

Feeling the pain

We’re not sure you can question how devout Filipino Catholics are after reading this. On Good Friday, many locals participate in the Way of the Cross. You’ll find participants whip their backs with bamboo sticks and sharp blades, or actually get nailed to crosses, as expressions of penance.

6. Make an Easter omelet – France

Make an Easter omelet

One must always remember to take a fork with them for an Easter trip to southern French town of Haux. Villagers take all of the eggs from their houses and bring them to town square. That’s where those eggs (over 5,000, in fact) are turned into an omelet that could feed 1,000 people. Throw in a metric ton of bacon and you might have a meal that could truly satisfy Ron Swanson.